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Texto para a correcção do usuário boris1703

Why do some users refuse to download your app?
We’ve noticed that your app (your game) is not available in most common languages and this stops your potential customers from downloadin­g it. They simply ignore the app having looked through the descriptio­n in a non-native language. Isn’t it just unfair to lose your customers like this? Would you like to put an end to it? Then our offer will definitely interest you!
We offer you to improve the quality of your app by translatin­g it into more than 20 most used languages of the world. We are a team of qualified translator­s (native-speakers, mostly) and we can guarantee the quality and the speed of our work. Make your app available for more than 250 million users all over the world!
Hurry up! Every user lost because of lack of localizati­on may be lost forever!
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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