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Texto para a correcção do usuário annielus

We have here two reports about students and their listening habits. Inexplicab­ly, both research groups – the first by Derek from the College of the West, the other by Maria from the College of the East – interview only students from College of the West, becoming the results somewhat restricted. We assume that about thousand students, aged 18-22 have been heard in total. Both researchs concluded that have been some small changes from last year to this year in students listening habits. When asked about their main method for listening to music, the students should only answer one main way. Below we can read my comments about the results.
Both surveys find a decrease in the number of students listening to MP3s as their main way of listening to music. However, they disagree about the intensity of this decrease.
The number of those who prefer MP4 players or mobile phones has increase. For Derek was a slight increase. For Maria was a very sharp increase, consider her numbers. I believe the research made by Maria shows most precise.
About the Internet download on computer, both agree there has been a slight increase in the numbers this year, and more students are using internet downloads on their computers as their main way of listening to music.
They show conflictin­g numbers between those who chose internet radio as their main way of listening to music. Derek found 4 points of decrease from last year to this year, while Maria found 32 points of increase in her survey during the same period.
Again, their research do not agree to an increase or a decrease of CDs as the main source of students to listen music. Maria shows a sharp decrease in the numbers, while Derek shows almost no chance.
For Derek, the number of students relying on radio for their music remained the same, while Maria found a sharp decrease in the number of students listening to radio.
We can also note that research by Derek found no chance in the statistics of students who prefer listening to music through others means, and a slight decrease of those students who not listening to music at all. Maria found different results about that. The number of students using other methods to listen to music increased and the number of students not listening to music at all has increased slightly.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência, Avançado

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