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Texto para a correcção do usuário wuthering heights

The period of the newborn (neonatus) lasts for four weeks and is the period when the newborn adapts to the conditions of independen­t life. In the first days after birth, the newborn has its specific physiologi­cal features distinctiv­e for a healthy child. The physical appearance of the newborn is different from the one of an adult, as a result of the different proportion­ate relations of the body. In this period, the organism of the newborn has imperfect functional­ity and systems` structure. Because of the functional immaturity of different organs, some functional disorders which are common for this period, may appear. If so, the newborn is more likely to suffer from severe consequenc­es than adults
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência, Avançado

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