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On Friday, October 28th, the new Megastore has opened in Luqa. The launch has cut the local Authoritie­s, the Press and a surprising stream of people.
Why has this happening drawn so much attention?
Brilla represents something completely new. In fact, it’s the first Megastore in Malta entirely dedicated to detergents, cleaning and personal hygiene products.
Malteses know well the benefits linked to the large retailers: big supply of products at convenient prices.
Up to now, this concept was especially related to the Food retailing. Or exclusivel­y?
Brilla has came to mark a turning point. Not only in the retailing logic, but also in the brand’s values communicat­ion. Its payoff reads “We believe in a cleaner world”, so the real change is the proposal of a new manner.
Brilla offers quality both in products and in services. Greeting and care for clients, smart and close style: all these qualities come with convenient offers.
An Italian businessma­n is the author of this innovation. Michele Citoli has believed in the project Brilla and in the possibilit­y of starting it on Malta, the first of more locations planned.
If he’ll have right, we’ll be witnessing a change in maltese purchasing habits.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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