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My favorite artist is Rocio Durcal. Born in Madrid on 4 October 1944 in torrelodon­es - community of Madrid. His real was Maria de los Angeles de las Heras Ortiz, was an actress and singer and was also known as "the most Mexican Spanish"
Daughter of Thomas and Maria de las Heras Ortiz, the first of a family of six children. As the older sister and, because of limited financial resources, in more than one occasion he played in the housework, besides helping in raising her younger siblings, thus greatly missed classes at school. Since childhood he liked the song and their first audience were their classmates, began his career by participat­ing in radio programs supported by stepping from his grandfathe­r, and participat­ed in a TV series with the approval of their parents but they did not want to pursue a career, yet with the passage of time acted in other films and became a well known singer and the friendship that existed between her and the Mexican singer began when she recorded an album with the compilatio­n of various artist discs even without expecting much, but were surprised because it was a success. He got married to singer Antonio Morales with whom she had two daughters and a son. In 2001 he was diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the womb, and in 2004 it was learned that the cancer had spread to the lungs. Despite continued medical treatment continue recording songs. He died on 25 March 2006 at his home in Torrelodon­es (Madrid). I really like Rocio Durcal because for me is one of the best singers I've heard, by his vocal quality was superb and very difficult to match. My favorite songs are the cat in the rain, let me live, the wreath
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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