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Texto para a correcção do usuário AngeleTo

In fact, this desire to work in communicat­ion comes from my High National Diploma. Indeed, last year, as part of my training, I had to complete a project with a tourism firm. I chose to work with the campsite where I did my internship. I just want to give you some informatio­n about this place. It’s a quiet and family campsite of 100 pitches. It’s situated in the Loire Valley. It’s about 1 hour from Saumur. Well, the aim of my project with this company was to create a funny mascot. After carrying out a survey with children, we decided to create a lizard. From there, with the help of specialize­d software, I have created 35 lizards. Each one represents a service. For instance, I did a lizard to indicate the possibilit­y of using a barbecue. Next, there is also a lizard which taking its shower. Moreover, I created a mascot for the grocery or the fitness room. You have also a lizard for the sorting. To finish, here is the most difficult to achieve: it’s the lizard in a wheelchair. After bringing this project to completion, I had to readvertis­e for the campsite. So for example, I did a new welcome document or a new brochure for disabled.
This experience was really interestin­g and exciting. It made me want to improve my knowledge in communicat­ion but also in the industry of campsite.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência, Avançado

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