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I’d like to tell you about a book I’ve recently read. It’s a book for those who are interested in English everyday life. It’s called ‘English Wedding’ by Elena Davydova-Hardwood.
The author of the book comes to live in Swanage, England. She is a wife-to-be of an Englishman and describes English reality as a Russian newcomer. She finds out a lot of interestin­g facts that differ in our countries: how many fingers an English has, when spring or autumn start or how the English wash dishes. The couple travels a lot and on the page of the book you will meet different people e. g. a pub owner who will teach you how to behave yourself in a pub; a landlord who is afraid of anyone living the twelfth year on his land etc. Moreover, there are several pages devoted to cookery: who are the best cooks in England, when the English don’t eat cheese and what chutney is. At the end of the book you will become familiar with two English ceremonies: marriage and receipt of citizenshi­p.
In conclusion I want to say that book is very light to read and gives you an impression that you have been to England and seen everything by your proper eyes.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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