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Texto para a correcção do usuário tehb_shadow

Hi! I try translate few interestin­g facts from Russia, to English. Please correct this text.
Fans of hoсkey club "Detroyt red Uingz" have a tradition. They throw on the ice feeze octopus after every goal in play-off matches. This traditiona­l was born in 1952 year. In this time team was needed 8 winner for win Stanley Cup. Octopus was throwed by one fans of this team. After this incedent fans was begin do this in every match, after every goal.
First online auction "E-bay" was created by Pierre Amidyar in 1995 year. First product, which was sold out in this auction, is a broken laser pointer. It was sold out for 14. 83$. Amidyar was surprised. And He asked buyer: Are you really understand, that this laser pointer is broken? ". Buyer replyed that he understand­ed it and he collected broken laser pointer.
Since 1980 year muicants, who was play in metro stations, was needed for especial resolution. Only 75 people can get this licension. If you want get this, you realy must play very well. Also you should pay 150$. After this you get your place and time.
Most of worlds minig of opals are situated in Australian city Coober-Pedy. This city situated in hot desert. Therefore many people live in a undeground cave. This cave appear after minig. This flats have all water electrical and other comunicati­on. This apartments have furnture, wallpaper, decoration e. t. c. And people live in it constantly.
Ants can convers with other ants. They can explain to other how go to the food. Also they can add numbers. For example when one ant find way to a food, he come back, and explain to other this way. Therefore other ants can find this food even without pheromonal track. Also if you will put food in boxes with some period, (for example, if you put food in 5-th, 10-th, 15-th... boxes), ant after some time will find food in certain boxes.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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