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Inglês idioma

Texto para a correcção do usuário nane

Hey people! I am writing a text at my job, and as I want to write perfectly, I would be very pleased if someone could correct some parts for me! Here it goes:
1) In order to schedule the meeting in advance, one of the students is responsibl­e for reserving a room appropriat­e for the number of guests and sending an agenda with the title, number of the week, date, time, local and content of the meeting. This task must be done and shared at least until 24 hours in advance.
2) Every meeting must be documented into a protocol/minutes. This is a report about the content, the people who take place in the meeting and the main points of discussion. This document must be done within the official layout of the company and reachable to all guests of the meeting and so, it is sent by e-mail to all who were presented at the meeting as well saved on a public folder for all colleagues. If one should be in this meeting and for some reason had to be absence, is a due to check the minutes afterwards and be aware of the main points of the meeting.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência, Avançado, Intermediário superior

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