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Texto para a correcção do usuário samin_sweet

For most people in our modern-capitalism world, money is the first thing, and sometimes the only thing that measures success in their life. Money can buy power, fame, and time. Sometimes money can even buy a life. So money has become the first primary goal for everybody. However, there are something else that can be the measuremen­t of success in life such as careers, awards besides living happily and peacefully. Notably, one important thing that defines success in our lives is our careers. With different careers, we will have different goals and measuremen­ts of our success. If you are an athlete, your success can be measured by lots of things such as wining tournament­s, breaking records, playing in the top league or competing in the Olympics. If you are a musician, playing in the country’s orchestra or a number of your CDs that have been sold can be counted as the measuremen­t of your success. So we can see that another measuremen­t of success in our life beside money is how much we have succeeded in our career. Likewise, the other measuremen­t of success in our lives is awards. For the scientists one of the greatest accomplish­ments in their life is to win a Nobel Prize, for the writers there is the Pulitzer award, for actors and actresses there is academy or Oscar award, or for musicians a Grammy’s. These things are different from the other measuremen­ts in that it is judged by other people not ourselves. Beside, the common goal in people’s life is to be peaceful and happy. Being the richest man in the world does not mean you are the happiest man in the world, although money can buy you happiness sometimes, but not always. So another measuremen­t of success is how happy your life is. It might be having a warm family and children, having lots of friends or maybe just having someone who truly loves you. In conclusion, as time changes, the measuremen­t of success in life also changes. Wealth, the thing that many people use to judge success in one’s life, is changing when time has passed. Thousands of years ago when humans were still a cavemen, it might have been how big your cave was. Hundreds of years ago it might have been how big your land was. Henceforth it seems to be how much money you have in your bank account, so maybe in the future it might be something else. The measuremen­t of success in your live can be many things. It just depends on time and what goals you have in your life.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência, Avançado, Intermediário superior, Intermediário, Elementar

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