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Due to recent advances in technology nowadays it is possible to use a credit card whenever you need money. Many people believe that it is dangerous, while other enjoy using credit cards constantly.
From my point of view, I believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks in using credit cards. To begin with, the most significan­t advantage of using a credit card is that every person who needs money urgently can easily use cards interest-free within a month. What is more, users of credit cards are given bonuses and discounts, which helps manage their money more economical­ly. In addition, cards are issued very easily, and a person can always be confident as he will always have money.
On the other hand, many people claim that there is always a high risk of fraud while using credit cards. Moreover, they say that's you have to pay annual fee for service.
Neverthele­ss, I cannot agree with this point of view as I believe that annual fees are quite low, thus, almost everybody can pay them. Furthermor­e, thanks to recent advances in technology, everybody can be sure that their credit cards are safe.
In conclusion, I want to say that although using credit cards is easy and comfortabl­e thing, you should remember not to fall into dependence on credit cards.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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