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Texto para a correcção do usuário Mike Letov

Dear Gil,
First of all I would wish to thank you for the wisdom you showed when deciding on this matter.
What we do together is real a matter of great moment for both of us. Also, I would like to extend special thanks from my family.
Further to our talk about the sacral artwork, I have the following:
The piece will be written by a prominent Hebrew calligraph­er Avraham Borshevsky. He is a world famous contempora­ry Torah scribe and one of the top Israeli Artists in the field of Hebrew illuminate­d manuscript­s. Yet, Borshevsky scribed the unique kosher Mezuzah parchment, which was recognized as a masterpiec­e of Hebrew Scribal Arts and documented by the Guinness World Records™.
The artpiece itself will be inspired by your birth date – 18 adar 5735. It is the 7th (Saturday’s) extract from KI TISA, 2nd book of Torah “Exodus 34”, verses 27 through 35, which is actually a section of the Torah read in Jewish services at Saturdays (Sabbath). In Judaism, the Torah is read publicly over the course of a year, with one major portion read each week in the Shabbat morning service.
All the beauty and purity in this extract which begins with the God’s decree “WRITE” (sacral calligraph­y) and tells about the final 40 days the prophet Moses spent on Sinai Mount, and also about the Decalogue Moses wrote on the Second Tablets of Stone.
The artpiece is planned to be finished in 8 weeks. So, it will be my great pleasure to present it to you during my next trip.
idioma: Inglês   Conhecimento de línguas: Falante nativo, Competência

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